Wednesday 5 February 2014

Advertisements are the main part of the business. If there was no advertisements businesses will grow up longer than now. By advertisements people know about new product sooner, there are many advantages and disadvantages about advertisements. Some of people didn’t see advantages because they already tired from advertising. But now I will say some of disadvantages and advantages. In my opinion if there were no advertisements it will be very bad because we will know about new products later than now. But the main advantages are for advertisers. Because if producers want to advertise something they must pay very big money to advertisers for making advertisement, for thinking about how it must be, for filming and for showing it on the TV. In other countries is another degree of ethics about advertising. For example in my opinion American advertisements are high standard. Because they are done by experts and sometimes American advertisements are interesting. But in Armenia I can not say the same. In my opinion Armenian advertisement are not so poor and not so developed it is middle. Sometimes companies are doing advertisements by calling to people. In my opinion we all do not like that random calls or we even don’t answer that because we don’t know that number. And for example me I don’t like that calls because they are calling and speaking about products that we don’t want.

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