Monday 17 March 2014

Sometimes people have necessity  for something. It is bad for some people because for example poor people because they do not have enough money to buy that thing. By rich people they are very low to have money to have that thing but in real rich people do not have been allowed to have that things because that is not theirs. Sometimes riche people are taking for example luxury travels. For them everything is luxury if it is not luxury that workers will be fired. But that do not understand that it is not only theirs There are many things like this in Armenia. And no one can say no to that reach persons because after saying no their life in this country will be like hell. And the only exit from that hell is go from Armenia.
Children are playing computer games very much and t can be had very bad insurance to them. There are many cases that children are killing or dyeing sitting on computer very long For example I read and listened very bad cases that children and teenagers are dyeing because of sitting behind of computer very long. Now I will tell my listening readings that I listened and read. For example in last week In our AUA class we talked about it. My teacher told that there was a guy who played a game for 3 days. It means he played that game seventy two hours without eating drinking or going to the toilet. Sometimes I read that teenager killed his friend because he played that game very long that thought it is in real. And it is very bad that people are killing each other because of stupidity. I am giving you advise to not play that games very  long.

Monday 24 February 2014

If I were millionaire

If I were millionaire what shale I do??? Many grown-ups are asking this question to the children. If you were millionaire what will you do??? I think that some of our parents gave this question us. And how I remembered we answered this very simple. That we will by big house, with big garden, with many workers that they will do everything instead of us. But in that time we didn’t thought that that money after period of time will end. After ending you wouldn’t have anything. In that age all children are saying the same thing. And as we know that after growing people are thinking another way. And know if someone asks me that question I will say another thing. For example I will say that I will buy restaurant or I will buy another business. Or I will study with that money. Because that money is not forever. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

In this century there are many social networks, sites or online games.  There are millions of social networks. One of them is Facebook.  Everyone is registered on Facebook. And for example me. I am registered on it. And I don’t have a friend that didn’t register on that social network.  Social networks are the main problem for children. Now no one cannot live without it. Now day’s children have dependency from Social Network. And I am not saying it just. For example me I cannot live without Facebook or without other social networks. But sometimes Social networks give bad effect to the children. The effect is that now day’s children are very cold and they don’t study well. In my opinion all grown-ups think that it is because of Social Networks or because of games. We all know that the answer is yes. My answer is yes too. But I am one of that children and I think it is very late for me and I cannot perform.  And because of knowing all this I am saying this to you. Because I think you will find the way to make children to learn.

Sunday 9 February 2014

There is much corruption in our country. There are many corruptions in other countries too because there is no one who is verrry kind to other people. If corporation’s director is bad one it means that that corporation’s half of workers are director’s friends and relatives. All good workers wouldn’t have any works and if you want work you must be director’s friend or relative. This is happening every day and every moment. In this century if you haven’t good relative or good friend you are not man/women. After few years it will be very bad if it continues like this. Sometimes directors aren’t giving salaries to workers. If I was director one of the companies I will control it without corruption. I will give all salary to workers. And if my relatives asked me to work in my company I will give them test if they pass it I Will give them work if not I will say them go to hell. 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Advertisements are the main part of the business. If there was no advertisements businesses will grow up longer than now. By advertisements people know about new product sooner, there are many advantages and disadvantages about advertisements. Some of people didn’t see advantages because they already tired from advertising. But now I will say some of disadvantages and advantages. In my opinion if there were no advertisements it will be very bad because we will know about new products later than now. But the main advantages are for advertisers. Because if producers want to advertise something they must pay very big money to advertisers for making advertisement, for thinking about how it must be, for filming and for showing it on the TV. In other countries is another degree of ethics about advertising. For example in my opinion American advertisements are high standard. Because they are done by experts and sometimes American advertisements are interesting. But in Armenia I can not say the same. In my opinion Armenian advertisement are not so poor and not so developed it is middle. Sometimes companies are doing advertisements by calling to people. In my opinion we all do not like that random calls or we even don’t answer that because we don’t know that number. And for example me I don’t like that calls because they are calling and speaking about products that we don’t want.