Monday 17 March 2014

Sometimes people have necessity  for something. It is bad for some people because for example poor people because they do not have enough money to buy that thing. By rich people they are very low to have money to have that thing but in real rich people do not have been allowed to have that things because that is not theirs. Sometimes riche people are taking for example luxury travels. For them everything is luxury if it is not luxury that workers will be fired. But that do not understand that it is not only theirs There are many things like this in Armenia. And no one can say no to that reach persons because after saying no their life in this country will be like hell. And the only exit from that hell is go from Armenia.
Children are playing computer games very much and t can be had very bad insurance to them. There are many cases that children are killing or dyeing sitting on computer very long For example I read and listened very bad cases that children and teenagers are dyeing because of sitting behind of computer very long. Now I will tell my listening readings that I listened and read. For example in last week In our AUA class we talked about it. My teacher told that there was a guy who played a game for 3 days. It means he played that game seventy two hours without eating drinking or going to the toilet. Sometimes I read that teenager killed his friend because he played that game very long that thought it is in real. And it is very bad that people are killing each other because of stupidity. I am giving you advise to not play that games very  long.